9 thoughts on “Apply Online

  1. Gud morning mbogo college staff
    I lost my admission form for S5 2020 but I would like to know wat I can do
    Ayella Benard

    1. Good evening Mbogo schools Admin.
      Am inquiring whether my daughter can be admitted at Mbogo mixed school.

      She got 8 aggregates now in s1 but would like her to join Mbogo mixed next term Insha Allah.

      Thank u

  2. Good evening Mbogo schools Admin.
    Am inquiring whether my daughter can be admitted at Mbogo mixed school.

    She got 8 aggregates now in s1 but would like her to join Mbogo mixed next term Insha Allah.

    Thank u

    1. Good Afternoon Dear
      Yes She Can.

      Admission Fee 50,000/-
      Fees 850,000/
      Devpt fee 150,000/-
      Uniforms 295,000/-
      Contact the HM on +256 702 900 824

    2. Good Afternoon Dear
      Yes She Can.

      Admission Fee 50,000/-
      Fees 850,000/
      Devpt fee 150,000/-
      Uniforms 295,000/-
      Contact the HM on +256 702 900 824

  3. Hello mbogo schools Admin , am inquiring whether my daughter can join mbogo mixed he got 21aggregates please I beg if you can help me and she joins mbogo mixed in S.1 isha allah waiting for your positive reply
    Yours faithfully
    Kats beteth

    1. Halo Dear, please visit our offices, The Secretariat at Mbogo High school or
      Mbogo Mixed Offices – Kawanda and call the Head of School on 0772900824

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